
With many years of professional experience and a wide range of qualifications in tax, accounting, payroll, and business consulting, our firm offers the highest level of service for individuals, corporations, partnerships, and numerous other clients with our professional services using various accounting and payroll software such as QuickBooks, Freshbooks, Xero and Microsoft excel etc.

If you’re looking for a firm large enough to offer a full array of tax, accounting, payroll, and business services, but small enough to know you on a personal basis, then look no further and contact us.

AFS has managed to achieve this difficult balance and we’re large enough to have a carefully chosen staff of experts who can handle not only the everyday needs of most of our clients but also the very specialized requirements of our clients. On the other hand, we’re close enough that you’ll feel at home each time you call or email us by providing 24/7 service.

We offer competitive prices and a in depth expertise unrivaled by less experienced firms. By using our service, you can eliminate the wages, payroll taxes, fringe benefits, worker’s compensation and insurance, employee training and management, accounting software, office space and other costs associated with having an in-house bookkeeper. You can save up to 80%.To learn about our professional qualifications in greater detail, you may schedule a call with our Accounts Manager.